2020年07月18日(六) 15:00開始 網路線上視訊及現場講座-留學歐洲醫學院 (英國、義大利、匈牙利、西班牙、捷克、波蘭等國) 說明會 免費參加

SEG瑞士飯店管理教育集團針對 COVID-19安全衛生政策

SEG瑞士飯店管理教育集團針對 COVID-19安全衛生政策



根據瑞士政府的建議,已採取以下預防措施來減低Covid-19可能對我們造成的風險。 我們的學生、教職員工和訪客的健康與安全仍然是我們的首要優先。


  • 到達機場或學校時,將對學生進行體溫檢查,並迎接資訊服務台提供口罩、健康和安全準則以及緊急聯絡資訊。


  • 為了安全起見,並為了降低整個社會的風險,在學期的前10天內,所有公共場所的全體員工、學生和訪客都必須戴口罩


  • 每位學生、教職員工和訪客必須填寫「健康調查表」後,才能進入我們的校園。
  • 有出現流感、發燒(38°C以上)、呼吸困難和/或呼吸系統不適症狀的人嚴禁進入校園。


  • 對所有員工、學生和訪客進行每日體溫檢查。通常會在校園接待區進行檢查並提供口罩。


  • 在整個學期中,每個班級都分配到指定的教室。
  • 教室分配最佳化,以確保最大程度地分散每個教室中的學生並減少學生在課堂之間的流動。


  • 安排班級時刻表使餐廳出入用餐人數穩定並使餐廳空間最佳化。


  • 任何需要醫療幫助的學生都可以進行優先醫療預約–請聯絡前台或住宿管理團隊。


  • 任何表現出類似流感症狀的教職員工或學生都必須進行自我隔離10天。
  • 擔心自己可能有流感症狀的學生應電洽學生輔導員,如果沒有聯繫上,請聯絡24小時7天全天候提供服務的常駐經理。


  • 所有學校參訪均由Victor和Ronan集中批准。


  • 我們盡量減少大型公眾聚會和不必要的社交活動。除正常上課和用餐外,所有其他活動均受到嚴格監控。


  • 所有校園和所有行政辦公室的所有人都能輕易取得手部消毒液和口罩
  • 在所有公共區域都會進行額外的清潔,尤其是集中在可能有很多人觸摸同一物品的區域,例如門把手,工作站等。
  • 在入學週末期間會為所有學生舉行COVID-19資訊和指示說明會
  • 現場有學生輔導員,可提供醫療資源和建議
  • 24小時7天全天候訪問常駐經理

Best regards, 



To SEG Community:

We are very excited to welcome students back to campus from July.
In line with Swiss government advice, the below precautionary measures have been put in place to mitigate Covid-19 risks to our schools.  The health and safety of our students, staff and visitors remain our top priority.

Welcome Information

  • On arrival at either the airport or at school, students will have a temperature check and will be provided with welcome information, a face mask, health and safety guidelines and contact information in case of emergency.

Face Masks

  • In the interest of safety, and to lower the risk for the entire community, face masks mustbe worn by all staff, students and visitors in public areas, during the first 10 days of term.

Health questionnaire

  • Every student, staff and visitor must fill out a “health questionnaire” before entering our campus premises.
  • No one is allowed on campus who shows symptoms of flu, fever (38°C+), breathing difficulties and/or respiratory problems.

Daily Temperature Checks 

  • Daily Temperature checks are carried outon all staff, students and visitors. Checks are normally carried out at the campus reception area, after which, a face mask will be provided.

Classroom Management 

  • Each class group is allocated to a designated classroomthroughout the term. 
  • Classroom allocation is optimised to ensure a maximum dispersion of students in every classroom and minimize movement of students between classes.

Restaurant Management

  • Class group timetables are arranged to have a steady flow of students for meals and to optimise restaurant space

Medical support 

  • Priority medical appointmentsare available for any student who require medical assistance – please contact Front Desk or Residential Management Team.

Self Quarantine

  • Any staff or student displaying flu like symptoms will be required to self-quarantine for 10 days.
  • Students who are worried that they may have flu like symptoms should phone the student counsellorand if not available, a Resident Manager who is available 24/7.

Visitor policies

  • All school visits are approved centrally by Victor and Ronan. 

Public Gatherings

  • We have minimimized large public gatheringsand unnecessary social activities. Anything other than normal classes & meals is strictly monitored.

General Safety Guidelines

  • Hand sanitizers and face masksare available to everyone on all campuses and in all administrative offices
  • Additional cleaningis taking place in all public areas, particularly focussing on areas where numerous people may be touching the same item, i.e. door handles, work stations, etc. 
  • COVID19 Information & presentationtakes place for all students during induction weekend 
  • A Student Counsellor is on site and available for medical support & advice
  • Access to Resident Managers is available 24/7

We encourage everyone to maintain social distancing and where not possible, a mask should be worn. This is an exceptional time and the above measures will clearly cause some inconvenience and we ask for your understanding and support in safeguarding the interests of the entire community.
Best regards, 


Chief Executive Officer 
Swiss Education Group

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878