從現在開始2014/10/30 瑞士Sunrise 電信公司針對凱撒里茲學生有新優惠方案, 每月只要繳CHF36 瑞士琺瑯 ( UNLIMITED calls to all Swiss mobile and fixed networks, and unlimited internet usage.),長期使用手機號碼,不必換手機號碼,relax subscription for only CHF 36.- per month.
請有興趣SIM Card優惠方案學生直接上網www.swiss-sim.com 註冊。
Dear all,
For you information. Please disseminate this information to all your students.
Sunrise (telecommunications provider) has a web site for all our students to be able to take advantage of their exclusive offer of a SIM card for 36.- per month
Students with an existing subscription from César Ritz Colleges will receive the following SMS tomorrow morning:
Your mobile phone subscription currently with Swiss Education Group will end on 31.12.2014 for this SIM card.
In order to keep your mobile service running for next year, we invite you to transfer your number to the new Sunrise NOW relax subscription for only CHF 36.- per month. You can then keep this number and SIM card for yourself as long as you wish, and benefit from UNLIMITED calls to all Swiss mobile and fixed networks, and unlimited internet usage.
Please download the registration form and follow the instructions available on the web site www.swiss-sim.com or visit your school admission office. Thank you. Sunrise.
As a special offer – all new subscriptions received before Christmas receive the SIM card for free.
Colin Field科林‧費爾德,給里茲及廚藝學生講授酒的歷史之後,開始講解如何客制化和銷售雞尾酒, 最後以cognac干邑白蘭地的分析、雞尾酒比較以及如何製作雞尾酒的實務課程來結尾。
花了一整天的時間在瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學布夫雷校區(Le Bouveret)中指導term 4及 term 7的廚藝學院學生。成功完成課程可以取得瑞士廚藝學院CAA及巴黎里茲飯店Ritz Hotel Paris核發證書。
Mr. Colin Field 科林‧費爾德,被稱為”世界上最偉大的調酒師”Every semester two staff members from the Hotel Ritz Paris travel to César Ritz Le Bouveret to meet, interact and share real-world professional experiences from the legendary 5 star luxury hotel.
This month made the journey offering an educational experience the students won’t soon forget.
The very charismatic Mr. Colin Field, Head Barman of the Hotel Ritz Paris spent an entire day with César Ritz Le Bouveret term 4 students. He hosted a creative lecture, shared professional anecdotes and introduced a role-playing exercise that was enthusiastically received by the students.
Over the lunch hour he was invited to dine at the exclusive chef’s table where the term 5 Culinary Arts Academy students prepared, cooked and served a surprise meal for him. As the head barman at the Hotel Ritz Paris’ Hemingway bar, Mr. Field has been voted twice as the world’s best barman by Forbes magazine and is the author of the successful books “The cocktails of the Ritz Paris” and “The Ritz Paris: Mixing drinks, a simple story”.
The second special guest visitor Mr. Trevisan is a familiar face around César Ritz Colleges and acts as a judge for the Term 7 student’s business plans each semester. He is known for taking a very interactive approach with this responsibility and often asks tough questions backed by thoughtful and constructive feedback for the students. Mr. Trevisan was also a special guest at the recent graduation where he presented a prize to an outstanding Culinary Arts Academy student.
It is thanks to dedicated guests like these that make studying at César Ritz Colleges and Culinary Arts Academy an exceptional experience. A big thanks to Mr. Trevisan and Mr. Field for sharing their talents and experiences with our group.
Hôtel Ritz
The Hôtel Ritz is a grand palatial hotel in the heart of Paris, the 1st arrondissement. It overlooks the octagonal border of the Place Vendôme at number 15. The hotel is ranked highly among the most prestigious and luxurious hotels in the world and is a member of “The Leading Hotels of the World”. As of 2014 the Ritz is closed for a major multi-million dollar renovation. When the hotel re-opens in 2015 room rates will start at USD $1,500 per night. Source.
Chief Operating Officer of Kempinski Hotels offered a special guest lecture to César Ritz Colleges Brig Campus students.
César Ritz Colleges Alumnus, Mr. Duncan O’Rourke, Chief Operating Officer of Kempinski Hotels and Mr. Xavier Destribats, President of Kempinski Europe travelled to Brig, Switzerland on Friday, September 12th to offer a special guest lecture to César Ritz Colleges Brig Campus students. Providing industry inside information and career advice, this was a very special opportunity for students to learn directly from experts in their field.
Mr. O’Rourke graduated from César Ritz Colleges in 1989 and quickly made a name for himself in the hotel business as one of the industry’s youngest COOs, when hired by Kempinski Hotels in 2002. Working for Europe’s oldest independent luxury hotel group, his focus is on consolidating Kempinski’s expansion and ensuring the group delivers on its brand promise through operational excellence.
The event was organized and hosted by the Eta Sigma Delta (ESD) International Hospitality Management Honor Society. César Ritz Colleges Brig Campus is one of 90 chapters worldwide and is home to 20 member students. The society acts as a platform for academic, professional and personal growth and is an opportunity for outstanding students to distinguish themselves in the eyes of educators, recruiters and industry.
A special luncheon followed the event providing an opportunity for students to speak directly with the guest lecturers. Our sincere thanks to Mr. O’Rourke and Mr. Destribats for taking the time out of their busy schedules to meet with us at César Ritz Colleges Brig.
瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學校名是源自瑞士古今名人Mr César Ritz (1850~1918) 凱撒里茲先生,被尊敬為The King of Hoteliers „ “飯店管理之父” 或尊稱 “ 豪華飯店之王”,經凱撒里茲先生家族授權及承襲其理念辦學。凱撒里茲先生創辦世界知名”巴黎里茲飯店Ritz Paris Hotel”,“Customer is never wrong 顧客永遠是對的”,服務準則來自Mr César Ritz 名言。
從2014年10月啓凱撒里茲飯店管理大學展示出 凱薩里茲先生Mr César Ritz 生前所創辦Ritz Hotel Paris巴黎里茲飯店時期,飯店裡所陳列的大廳、飯店及家俱擺設,在盧森校區Lucerne campus及布夫雷校區Le Bouveret campus同步展出,提供師生及遊客參觀。
布夫雷校區(Bouveret) 展示陳列品如下:
In Bouveret you will soon fine
2 Ritz Paris suite bedrooms
1 RItz Salon to welcome VIP’s
Glass displays in the lobby and in the Salon to showcase those magnificent items lend to us by the Hotel
In César Ritz Luzern
1 Salon to welcome VIP’s
盧森校區(Lucerne) 展示陳列品如下:
1 Salon
1 Main window display in the Lobyy
4 window displays on the first floor main corridor leading to the main Dining Room
HTMi has a long tradition of top academic results at all levels from our students with the excellent support of our teaching and training team .
This semester the level has gone from ‘excellent’ to ‘outstanding’ with a record number of first class honours 2.1 and 2.2 grades from our BSc University of Ulster Degree students.In the words of Prof Ingram, External Examiner for UU Degree at HTMi “best it’s ever been at HTMI”. This lays the foundation for a memorable upcoming graduation in December 2014 . Congratulations to everyone.