《科技生活》【AI & Business 國際視訊會議】人工智慧將主宰全球未來科技與商業,您對未來的工作,作好準備了嗎??

【AI & Business 國際視訊會議】

    人類平均智商IQ是100,軟銀機器人公司(Softbank Robotics Company)的CEO卻希望能夠在2035年發明出智商10,000的機器人(robots)。這位科技巨擘知道人工智慧和資訊蒐集(data collection)的重點並不是依靠在家或是搭地鐵時所使用的手機,而是能夠在街頭與人直接互動的機器人,並從中獲取個人資訊。

    未來的商業業務是透過AI人工智慧所運行,根據統計2030年將有85%的工作將減少,20年內 47%的工作職缺可能會消失。你對未來的工作,作好準備了嗎??

    全球唯一有結合AI、行銷、管理跟商業的法國ISEN Lille AI & Business 工商管理博士學位課程,將在3/20(週六)舉行AI人工智慧與工商管理國際視訊會議,邀請世界知名AI人工智慧管理專家及學術權威Professor Marcel Saucet主講 AI & Business。會議後有碩博士課程介紹與申請,歡迎在職工程師或是高階商業主管預約參加這次難得且精彩的視訊會議。

ISEN LILLE 法國高等電子與數字工程師學院 重點資料

    主辦單位ISEN Lille是l’Electronique et du Numérique (Junia ISEN LILLE) 法國高等電子與數字工程師學院DBA in AI & Business博士課程,ISEN Lille 是Conférence des grandes écoles 法國高等菁英大學校聯盟及Grande école d’ingénieurs菁英工程學院認證的工程學院,也是教育部認證大學,培養最高等工程專業人才學府。

    此次很難得的邀請到世界知名AI人工智慧管理專家及學術權威法國教授Professor Marcel Saucet,以50分鐘時間主講 AI & Business,並開放討論或發問。Professor Saucet擁有法國University of Nice (Sophia Antipolis))的管理學博士學位,作為顛覆創新領導權威的主講者(disruptive speaker),他受邀在世界上許多最負盛名的國際會議演講(聯合國、哈佛大學、南加州大學等),舉行了許多會議發表,並出版AI與商業相關暢銷書籍。

ISEN LILLE 法國高等電子與數字工程師學院 上課中

    演講結束後,則由 ISEN LILLE 法國高等電子與數字工程師學院的AI人工智慧與工商管理博士課程院長以半小時簡要介紹碩博士課程,國際會議視訊活動時間總共1個小時30分鐘。ISEN Lille  AI & Business 博士課程是全球唯一有結合AI、行銷、管理跟商業的工商管理博士學位課程。DBA博士課程成立不到3年,就獲得DUBAI RANKING™認證「全球第一名」。

    DBA 可以採線上視訊與指導教授個別授課,時間很有彈性。根據學校統計,100%學生來自高階主管,50%來自CEO主管,所以是executive DBA高階商管,適合在職工程師或是高階商業主管。如果還沒有資格申請博士課程,可以先申請 AI人工智慧與商業碩士課程。

ISEN LILLE 法國高等電子與數字工程師學院 上課中

資料來源: http://www.techlife.com.tw/Article/40181

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878
林肯 WeChat



2021/03/16 | 郭靜芝

●DBA博士課程成立不到3年就獲得DUBAI RANKINGTM認證,全球第一名。圖/林肯提供


 主辦單位是l’Elect ronique et du Numerique(Junia ISEN LILLE)法國高等電子與數字工程師學院DBA in AI & Business。ISEN Lille 是Conference des grandes ecoles 法國高等菁英大學校聯盟及Grande ecole d’ingenieurs菁英工程學院認證的工程學院,也是教育部認證大學,培養最高等工程專業人才學府。

 ISEN Lille的AI & Busienss博士課程是全球唯一有結合AI、行銷、管理跟商業的工商管理博士學位課程。會中將邀請世界知名AI人工智慧管理專家及學術權威法國教授Professor Marcel Saucet主講AI & Business。會後由ISEN LILLE法國高等電子與數字工程師學院的AI人工智慧與工商管理博士課程院長介紹課程。



Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878
林肯 WeChat



2021/03/16 | 郭靜芝

●DBA博士課程成立不到3年就獲得DUBAI RANKINGTM認證,全球第一名。圖/林肯提供


 主辦單位是l’Elect ronique et du Numerique(Junia ISEN LILLE)法國高等電子與數字工程師學院DBA in AI & Business。ISEN Lille 是Conference des grandes ecoles 法國高等菁英大學校聯盟及Grande ecole d’ingenieurs菁英工程學院認證的工程學院,也是教育部認證大學,培養最高等工程專業人才學府。

 ISEN Lille的AI & Busienss博士課程是全球唯一有結合AI、行銷、管理跟商業的工商管理博士學位課程。會中將邀請世界知名AI人工智慧管理專家及學術權威法國教授Professor Marcel Saucet主講AI & Business。會後由ISEN LILLE法國高等電子與數字工程師學院的AI人工智慧與工商管理博士課程院長介紹課程。



Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878
林肯 WeChat

2021 QS World Ranking 飯店管理與休閒類 HTMi 瑞士飯店管理大學 全球排名 Top 13 瑞士排名 Top 9

2021 QS World Ranking 飯店管理與休閒類
HTMi 瑞士飯店管理大學 全球排名 Top 13 瑞士排名 Top 9

2021 QS World Ranking 飯店管理與休閒類 HTMi 瑞士飯店管理大學 全球排名 Top 13 瑞士排名 Top 9



祝賀HTMi Switzerland的所有人

HTMi Switzerland Moves Up to Global Rank 13 in the
QS World University Rankings – Hospitality and Leisure

HTMi Switzerland Moves Up to Global Rank 13 in the QS World University Rankings for Hospitality and Leisure

Visit the QS Rankings for Hospitality and Leisure Management: https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/university-subject-rankings/2021/hospitality-leisure-management

Previously ranked 17, moves up in 2021 to rank 13, and top ten for “Employer Reputation”.

Congratulations to everyone at HTMi Switzerland

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878
林肯 WeChat

2021 QS Ranking 飯店管理與休閒類 SEG 旗下: SHMS/HIM/CRCS/CAAS 全球排名都在Top 10以內

2021 QS Ranking 飯店管理與休閒類 SEG 旗下: SHMS/HIM/CRCS/CAAS 全球排名都在Top 10以內

在3月3日(星期三)發布的最新QS世界大學排名中,瑞士SEG飯店管理大學集團 Swiss Education Group旗下的學校在飯店管理和休閒管理類別排名均排名前10名。這種表現不僅反映了學校提供的學術課程的卓越品質,而且還反映了與頂級雇主和合作夥伴之間的國際聲譽。

SHMS 瑞士酒店管理大學 Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS) 在全球排名中排名Top 4,使該校連續第5年被評為全球飯店和休閒管理前十大機構之一。我們所有其他學校,瑞士蒙特勒飯店管理大學 Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM)(第6名),瑞士凱撒里茲大學 Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland(第7名),瑞士廚藝學院 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS)(第8名)以及與SHMS合併的IHTTI 瑞士飯店管理及設計大學International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute(IHTTI),均進入了前10名。



瑞士SEG飯店管理大學集團 CEO執行長 Yong Shen

瑞士廚藝學院 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS)是唯一獲得世界排名認可的廚藝學院,這充分證明了其世界一流的水準和瑞士廚藝教學方法。學校非常重視在學生中培養實踐和商業技能,確保了全面發展的畢業生,他們可以成為出色的廚師和料理企業家。


「我們看到瑞士蒙特勒飯店管理大學 Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM)、瑞士凱撒里茲大學 Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland (CRCS)、瑞士廚藝學院 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS)和IHTTI 瑞士飯店管理及設計大學International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute(IHTTI)今年都在提高地位,這是基於學者和雇主的高度重視:高品質教育的證明,而且還有強勁的畢業後就業成果。」

QS發言人傑克·莫蘭(Jack Moran)

今年的排名證明了瑞士的頂級飯店管理課程正在為其學生提供真正的世界一流的教育。在今年的主題排名中,瑞士擁有30個機構的220個排名課程,是世界上排名第16名的國家。就前100名課程而言,基於27個機構的121個課程,瑞士是全球高等教育排名Top 10的國家。


Swiss Education Group schools dominate top 10 hospitality institutions worldwide in QS University Rankings 2021

In the latest QS World University Rankings, published on Wednesday, 3 March, Swiss Education Group schools dominate 5 of the top 10 positions in the Hospitality and Leisure Management category. This performance not only reflects the excellent quality of the academic programs offered at the schools, but also the international reputation held with top employers and partners.

Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS) secured the 4th spot in the global ranking, making it the fifth year in a row that the school has been ranked one of the top 10 institutions in the world for Hospitality and Leisure Management. An impressive headway into the top 10 was made by all of our other schools, Hotel Institute Montreux (6th), César Ritz Colleges Switzerland (7th), Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (8th), and the newly-merged with SHMS, IHTTI School of Hotel Management (10th).

This outstanding performance reflects the high-level professionalism of our faculty and staff, and quality of the education programs at each school. Over the years, our schools have developed strong academic and industry partnerships, delivering highly relevant curricula, supporting student employability and career development, and building a global alumni network.

“We are extremely proud of the achievements of our schools and grateful for the support from our academic and industry partners worldwide. As the largest private hospitality, business, and culinary educator in Switzerland, we continue with our unwavering commitment to providing world-class education and transforming lives.”

Yong Shen, Chief Executive Officer of Swiss Education Group

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland is the only culinary institute recognized in the world rankings – a true testament to its world-class standards and Swiss approach to teaching culinary arts. With a strong focus on building both practical and business skills in its students, the school ensures well-rounded graduates who can become great chefs and foodpreneurs.

The QS World University Rankings are designed to provide independent quality assurance to the millions of students, parents, academics, and policymakers who seek to ensure that their educational, career, and strategic choices are data-driven.

“We see Hotel Institute Montreux, César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland, and IHTTI School of Hotel Management all improve their position this year, based on strong regard among both academics and employers alike: testament to both a high quality of educational provision, but also strong post-graduation employment outcomes.”

Jack Moran, QS Spokesperson.

This year’s rankings attest to the fact that Switzerland’s top hospitality programs are providing a truly world-class education to their students. With 220 ranked programs from 30 institutions in this year’s subject rankings, Switzerland is the 16th-most-represented country in the world. In terms of top-100 programs, Switzerland is the 10th-strongest global higher education nation based on 121 programs across 27 institutions.

Find out more about this year’s rankings here.

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878
林肯 WeChat















Switzerland decides shops, restaurants and museums can open in March

Switzerland announced on Wednesday that shops, museums and zoos can reopen from March 1st, while restaurants can open from March 22nd.

The Swiss government announced that non-essential shops, museums and library reading rooms will reopen, along with outdoor sports and leisure facilities, zoos and botanical gardens.

When making the announcement, the government said the country can gradually take the first steps out of Covid-19 restrictions and into the “gradual normalisation of social and economic life”.

Outdoor events for family and friends and sports and cultural activities involving up to 15 people will also be permitted.

“With this cautious reopening, the Federal Council is aiming to achieve a gradual normalisation of social and economic life, even though the epidemiological situation remains precarious because new, more infectious variants of the virus are circulating,” the government said in a statement.

“The initial reopening phase from March 1st essentially involves activities that allow people to wear masks and maintain social distancing, and that only involve small numbers of people or meeting outdoors.”

Restrictions aimed at reining in the coronavirus pandemic were imposed in December and January following a major spike in case numbers.

The government intends to ease off the measures in stages.

The next stage in reopening is scheduled for March 22nd, when the government hopes to allow the opening of outdoor areas at restaurants, changes to the requirement to work from home, and a limited number of spectators at sporting and cultural events.

“If the epidemiological situation improves in the coming weeks, it will also consider reopening indoor areas in restaurants,” the government said.

More than 550,000 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in Switzerland, population 8.6 million, while more than 9,200 people have died.

More than 675,000 vaccine doses have been administered, giving Switzerland one of the better doses per population rates in Europe.


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878
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