《瑞士》UBS 參與瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學商業企劃課程


UBS 參與瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學商業企劃課程

瑞士銀行(UBS) 是瑞士教育集團(SEG)的官方合作夥伴,並派出瑞銀集團的客戶顧問參與瑞士凱撒里茲管理大學研究所的商務企劃課程,幫助學生對於真實生活的財務金融研究加以了解並適時提供專業諮詢.

UBS 參與瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學商業企劃課程

Aurélien Lehmann certified corporate banker and client advisor for UBS joined the business plan course in order to evaluate the business plans of the students and provide them with useful advice.

UBS bank is an official partner of Swiss Education Group
Working together with César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, UBS supports the development of the graduate programme curriculum offering real-world case studies on finance.




瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學台灣辦事處林肯企管總經理也是里茲校友親自順利完成Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 及 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland Pre-departure presentation瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學及瑞士廚藝學院2016年7月新生行前說明會, 祝福 新生 早日學成歸國 Wishing Taiwan new students all the best… studying in Switzerland…….
也恭喜2016年4月台灣學生順利從瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學及瑞士廚藝學院畢業典禮照片, Congratulation to our Taiwan students all Graduated from Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland and Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland.
今天送新生行前說明會到瑞士, 同時又接 到 大家從瑞士畢業的好消息…太棒了 太有意義了… 大家一起加油哦…






2016年5月9 日CRCS新聞稿


全球最大國際連鎖飯店集團Marriott 的Development 部門副總裁與前瑞士觀光局2位重量級人物,到瑞士凱撒里茲大學Brig校區與同學討論2050的飯店趨勢!

Mr. Michel Ferla, former VP of Swiss tourism and Mr. Tuomas Laakso VP hotel development forMarriott International are discussing with our students about the hotels of 2050



《瑞士》恭喜!瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學César Ritz Colleges及瑞士廚藝學院Culinary Arts Academy 2016年3月畢業生

2016年5月8 日CRCS新聞稿

恭喜!瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學César Ritz Colleges及瑞士廚藝學院Culinary Arts Academy 2016年3月畢業生, 祝 美好未來.  也恭喜台灣學生全畢業必取的瑞士及美國雙學士學位.

Congratulations to César Ritz Colleges and Culinary Arts Academy students! We are very proud of you! All the best for the future!


《瑞士》慶祝! 世紀偉大廚師Chef Anton Mosimann的莫西曼廚藝收藏館的開幕就職典禮


慶祝! 世紀偉大廚師Chef Anton Mosimann的莫西曼廚藝收藏館的開幕就職典禮

5月19日的大日子最終品嚐會。我們現在已經準備好歡迎我們的客人 Chef Chef Anton Mosimann的莫西曼廚藝收藏館的開幕就職典禮慶祝。

相片包括有這次慶典準備的邀請函及甜點及世紀偉大調酒師Mr Colin Field的指導調酒及MR Mosimann親自品嘗還有協助料理的2位來自台灣高材生及漂亮年輕廚師Annie Chen & Sally Chen即將從CAA瑞士廚藝學院畢業, 非常恭喜他們.

On 19th of May Le Cirque Du Monde had the final tasting for the big day of the event. We are now ready to welcome our guests to the inauguration and celebration of the Mosimann Collection.

 CAA-1 CAA-2

世紀偉大調酒師Mr Colin Field來凱撒里茲大學的指導調酒
Mr. Mosimann親自品嘗料理並指導瑞士廚藝學院CAA學生
(Annie Chen, CAAL Class 2016)
(Sally Chen, CAA class 2016)
(Sally Chen, CAA class 2016)

《謠言澄清》CI 匈牙利醫學院預科澄清新聞稿




都歡迎與台灣唯一官方代表 - 林肯企管顧問有限公司聯繫

林肯企管總公司地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段148號3F-2







由凱撒里茲管理大學所籌備的第二屆國際研討會,在2016年5月9日於布里格校區舉行. 研討會邀清了近一百位的嘉賓包含業界專業人士、講者、學生以及學術合作夥伴美國華盛頓州立大學以及英國德比大學代表一同參與盛會並探討過去一路以來的傳承如何造就酒店管理業的未來.


How legacy shapes the future of the hospitality industries

The 2nd International Research Conference, organized by César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, took place on Monday, 9th May in Brig, in the Swiss Canton of Valais. The event brought together over 100 professionals, lecturers and students, along with representatives of the schools and academic partners from the Washington State University and University of Derby at the Brig Campus. It provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the work and research of the academic community of Swiss Education Group and network with peers.

Built around the theme  “Past, present and future- How legacy shapes the future of our industries. Core values in the modern world” the day began with a keynote speech by Dr Veronica Lange, Global Head of Innovation at UBS Chief Technology Office, who spoke about how the digital revolution is changing the face of banking and the challenge of adapting to what today’s customers want.
It was followed by a combination of qualitative research, high-profile speeches ranging from hosting guests with dementia, through reinventing industrial sites as tourist attractions, to creating the right olfactory environment for customers, poster sessions and workshops on specific topics, all evolving around the central theme on how the offering needs to be adjusted to the wishes and needs of the future generations while staying true to the core values of Swiss hospitality tradition.

Creating a memorable guest experience
A focus group discussion addressed the issues of guest experience and customer relations and what is needed to maintain five-star standards in hospitality. Michel Ferla, former Deputy Director of Swiss Tourism, underlined the importance of understanding customers and responding sensitively to their needs. Tuomas Laakso, Vice President International Hotel Development Marriott International & The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company Zurich, approached the question from a hotel perspective. In fact, the needs of hotel guests basically remain the same, however, the experience varies greatly depending on the person and context and needs to be designed individually.
The conference was rounded off with a panel discussion, also in the presence of a representative of the Washington State University, summarizing the topics discussed throughout the day, and expanding into the future of the educational scene, where students now also expect an individualized experience.

Learning from each other
This meeting also emphasized career development, by including representatives from the industry. Students had the opportunity to gain an insight into the expectations of the professionals, as well as the specific requirements for a career with a major hotel group or cruise ship.
Lecturers also came at their expense with different training sessions aimed at optimizing language courses and improve learning and assessment techniques, supported by the Swiss Education Group’s academic partner, the University of Derby.

UBS Awards – Honouring the best
UBS, Swiss Education Group’s official partner, sponsored four awards:

  • 1st Prize for the best full paper presentation: Evelina Gillard, Lecturer, César Ritz Colleges, Brig campus The human capital specificity to multiple firms in interfirm alliances: empirical evidence from hotel franchising.
  • 2nd Prize for the best full paper presentation: Thorsten Merkle, lecturer César Ritz Colleges, Brig Campus, Ilias Vlachos, Jim Keane Passengers’ food and beverage outlet choices in commercial airports: an empiric inquiry.
  • Best student poster: Andreea Bodea, Lara Sullivan, Louise Johansson, Alexandru Bora, students, César Ritz Colleges, Brig Campus Staff training as a method to improve the experience of physically disabled guests: Swiss leisure hotels.
  • Best student project: Julia Eveberg, Julja Thomas, students, IHTTI Neuchatel Design project “Love the J”

《捷報》就讀瑞士萊辛美國學校(LAS)的台灣學生 Frank LIN同學成功錄取牛津大學數學系與物理系

捷報!就讀瑞士萊辛美國學校(LAS)的台灣學生 Frank LIN同學成功錄取牛津大學數學系與物理系


恭喜,林肯企管輔導申請瑞士萊辛美國學校的 Frank LIN同學,今日從瑞士傳來了好消息。今年將從瑞士萊辛美國學校取得IB國際文憑畢業,成功錄取世界頂尖學府 Ranking Top 1─牛津大學,且跨及兩個系所,數學系與物理系,成績相當耀眼,欣喜萬分。


小小留學生Frank 高中時就在瑞士萊辛美國中學求學,優質與安全的學習環境、良好的師資以及精采豐富的歐洲住宿生活,讓他在申請頂尖名校時,課業成績與國際化的學習背景在眾多申請者中脫穎而出。



由於瑞士經濟奇蹟及高品質教育,越來越多台灣家長選擇把小朋友送到瑞士接受中學及高等教育,其中在台灣已有許多校友的瑞士萊辛美國學校(Leysin American Scholl Switzerland,簡稱LAS)是佼佼者。2012年6月台灣東森電視台的「李四端~雲端世界」新聞團隊更特派現場採訪萊辛美國中學的菁英教育報導並受到廣大迴響。
諾貝爾獎搖籃: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b7morB6vBA 

想了解更多瑞士萊辛美國中學訊息,請洽: 林肯企管顧問公司。02-2781-8878





César Ritz students had the opportunity to attend the UEFA Europa League final in Basel on 18th May and cater for 2000 VIP guests.



凱撒里茲學生獲得參與在瑞士巴賽爾舉辦之2016年度歐洲足聯賽決賽,並協助將近2000名VIP之餐飲盛會. 學生們皆表示在這次盛大的宴會中獲益良多,不僅對於自己的專業更加自豪,也在宴會上學到更多專業人士的籌備技能.

Traian Stefan Luchian described his involvement as special and educational.

“I would describe my working experience with UEFA as very exclusive and genuine. If I would have to characterize the entire experience in one quote, I would say: ” Professionalism and exclusive services from professionals to exclusive customers” since we have successfully managed to meet the expectations of the VIP clients at the UEFA final”

Stefan Jevic described his participation as special and he said to us that he is now feeling ready to tackle any future challenges.

“For me, the UEFA experience was a very unique one compared to my previous forays into events. This was truly my first experience working at a sporting event, and catering for 2000 VIPs. To me, it was astounding how such a high level of service as well as food and beverage offerings could be sustained and maintained. The organization itself was very professional, well-planned and it was obvious that lots of thought and organization took place before the actual event! While it was challenging to work with multiple external teams, that said, I have absolutely no complaints regarding the event and the whole night can easily be called a true learning experience. Now I can happily say that my Food & Beverage knowledge at this point has been well rounded by this experience. The team and myself showed great team spirit, “outgoing-ness” and a positive attitude that was clearly felt and seen by the guests and organizers. If someone would ask me if I would work for an event like this again my answer would be: 110% YES!”

Bela Gilly described his experience in Basel as exciting, challenging, marvelous and even life enhancing! It was a great experience and a journey full of fun and challenging tasks. All in all he said it was a memorable working day!

Alisa Sapozhnikova commented: “It was a great opportunity to gain experience in such a pleasant, diverse and unique environment. Although it is common to associate football matches with hotdogs, chips and beer, I had a chance to see it from the perspective of VIP guests, where only the finest food and drinks were served. Those guests were coming from far away and I felt responsible for the quality of service they received. All of us did. And what happens when passionate, motivated and energetic employees come together to do a great job? A great job happens! I am very happy that I had this unique opportunity to join a globally important event and played a significant role in it!”