凱撒里茲大學講座受到來自全台灣的學生和家長的廣大迴響,踴躍參與台北場8月1日和台中場8月2日的講座,凱撒里茲大學官方辦事處感謝同學家長的大力支持。瑞士商務辦事處副處長—Mr. Bernhard Bienz 與在座同學與家長分享瑞士教育的精隨,也肯定凱撒里茲大學和台灣官方辦事處對瑞士教育的貢獻。邀請寒舍集團(喜來登、艾美和艾麗)總管理處人資總監Ms. Daphne HUA、任職於學術界的校友、台北六福皇宮房務部副理及前凱撒里茲大學學生會會長與同學分享國際五星飯店專業人才的需求、為何選擇就讀凱撒里茲大學、海外實習經驗及學校生活。
We greatly appreciate the all participants, including perspective students and parents to attend Cesar Ritz Colleges seminar on 01st August Humble House Hotel and 02nd in Taichung. Mr. Bernhard Bienz, Deputy Director of Trade Office Swiss Industries Taipei shared the essence of Swiss education also defined the contribution of Swiss education from Cesar Ritz Colleges and Taiwan representative office. We also were honored to invite Ms. Daphne HUA, Director of Human Resource in My Humble House Hotel Group, Alumni member in hospitality academic industry, Assistant Housekeeping manager in Taipei Westin and ex-President of student union to share the needs and requirement of international chain hotels, why choose Cesar Ritz Colleges, overseas internship and life in Cesar Ritz Colleges.