


新聞稿Press Release Date: 2015/03/05


Headline好消息!為推廣瑞士教育與觀光及協助台灣學生赴瑞士留學之機會,林肯企管顧問公司與瑞士航空公司攜手合作提供留學瑞士住宿中學、瑞士大學、瑞士飯店管理大學及廚藝學院之台灣留學生從2015年3月5日起至12月30日透過林肯企管顧問公司申請學校的新生, 並取得瑞士學生簽證者,將提供50位學生瑞士國際航空公司機票獎學金,每位台幣1萬元。



林肯企管顧問公司 TEL:02-2781 8878


Great News! To promote education, tourism and opportunities for Taiwanese students studying abroad in Switzerland, Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd collaborated with Swiss International Airlines to provide NT$10,000 of airfare Scholarship for 50 Taiwanese student candidates who apply for the registration from March 05, 2015 to December 30, 2015 through Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd. Eligible students must hold a student visa for Switzerland and study in boarding schools, universities, hotel management colleges and culinary arts academies in Switzerland.

Please refer to the following for details of application:

Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd   TEL: 02-2781 8878

主辦單位:林肯企管顧問公司     協辦單位: 瑞士航空公司

Hosted by: Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd

Sponsored by: Swiss International Airlines