中華民國教授學會 教授評審委員會

- 來自美國,歐洲國家(EU)和瑞士以及澳大利亞/新西蘭,日本,新加坡在台灣的的授權代表學校。
- 定期舉辦瑞士教育展及美國住宿中學教育展及匈牙利國立大學聯合醫學院展及留學說明會及行前說明會
- 定期舉辦大學和高中合作,如交流和雙學位/雙證書和文憑
- 定期舉辦家長和學生參觀海外高中和機構。
- 定期舉辦學校和學生面試並進行入學考試
林肯台北辦事處。 - 定期舉辦週末研討會
- 定期舉辦學生簽證準備和出發前研討會
- 為TABS美國住宿中學協會在台舉辦美國住宿中學展指定台灣合作夥伴(2014年至今)
- 為美國Linden Education Services在台舉辦美國住宿中學業者說明會指定台灣合作夥伴(2018.11.12)
Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd is a part of the Lincoln Consultancy Group located in the center of Taipei City. It had established in 1994 after being officially registered with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Taipei City Government.LMC provides high quality Education Fair operation and training programs and educational consulting services that includes:
- Representing schools from USA, European countries ( EU) and Switzerland and Australia / New Zealand, Japan., Singapore.
- Organized Education Fair/Workshop/Seminar Presentation
- Organize University & High school collaboration such as exchange and dual degree/dual Certificate & Diploma
- Organize Parents and students visit tour to Oversea High school and Institutions.
- Organize schools & students interview and conduct entrance placement test
At Lincoln Taipei office. - Host regular weekend seminar
- Host regularly student visa preparation & pre-departure seminar
Majority Recruitment activities & partners includes: - Working as Media Partner of TABS Boarding schools Fair Taipei since 2014 to present.
- Regular Organizing Swiss Education Fair-Swiss Boarding schools and Swiss Hospitality and Swiss Business Schools twice a year March and October.
- Working as Taiwan Co-ordinator of Linden Educational Services for Boarding schools Agent Fair held in November 12, 2018, Taipei Taiwan.