曼諾中學Menaul School

  • 招收年級:14-18歳
  • 招收性別:男女合校
  • 短期就讀:短期學術課程至少要待一年
  • 簡介:曼諾中學成立於1896年,是一所位於美國西南部的國際獨立學院。 學校與世界各地的學生有獨特的國際寄宿計劃。 曼諾中學提供嚴謹的大學預備課程。另外針對於英語非本國語的學生提供ESL課程,雙學位和獨立學習課程。 我們提供客製化的課程。
  • 申請流程:上網申請我們的學校並做一個Skype 線上面試以了解學生英文程度。學生需提供TOELF 或 IELTS 的成績。
  • 費用:請洽林肯企管顧問有限公司
  • ESL課程:我們提供專業ESL課程。
  • 課程:我們是一所具有跨學科課程的大學預科學校,還包括各種選修課程。 我們遵循STEM計劃,IPad計劃,我們在藝術(包括音樂課程)類方面的課程相當拿手。
  • 特殊課程:我們為學生提供足球、籃球、田徑、越野、排球和足球的訓練和訓練。 學生有很多機會參加課外活動、學生社團和課外組織。 學生社團每年都會更新,這取決於學生的興趣。 學生可以在顧問的支持下開發新的學生社團。 學生社團有機器人社團、擊劍社團、政治社團、社區服務社團等。我們還有一個學生會代表學生進行管理,並為學生規劃有趣的社交活動。 他們還計劃電影之夜、遊戲之夜、舞蹈,團體聚會和各種郊遊活動。 在學生會中服務,讓學生有機會學習組織和領導技能,並與其他成績的學生合作。學生支援:我們為所有學生提供24小時的輔導員協助,家長可隨時探訪學生,並提供住宿生活人員以及其他成員,包括住宅生活協調員提供日常生活上的協助。 舍監在曼諾的寄宿學生的生活中發揮不可或缺的作用。 他們監督學生的學業進度,確保他們專注於學習,並幫助他們獲得任何所需的額外幫助。 此外,舍監在周末帶領學生參與校外活動,並擔任成人導師 – 在需要面談或在個人事務方面提供諮詢,聆聽學生的需求。
  • 校園:新墨西哥州位於美國西南部,是美國第五大州。全州四季平均出太陽的天數有310天。新墨西哥有5000多個山谷和4,800個湖泊。山區桑迪亞峰海拔高於海平面10,678英尺(3,255米)。
  • 科學跟科技是阿爾伯克基兩大專注的領域:桑迪亞國家實驗室是全國最大 國家實驗室;洛斯阿拉莫斯實驗室(Los Alamos Lab),英特爾,惠普(Hewlett-Packard)和科技風險投資公司(Technology Ventures Corporation)也是阿爾伯克基偉大科技行業的榜樣。新墨西哥科技大學也是索羅科獲得國家認可的大學,專注於科學與工程研究。 。總是有豐富的樂趣和令人興奮的機會讓學生在周末體驗。無論是購物遊覽、當地的塔林市場(Talin Market)、 全球美食展或是前往新墨西哥州最好的藝術和藝術節,有參與不完的活動。對於那些熱愛戶外的人,住宿生活計劃提供了與新墨西哥相關的許多獨特經驗。學生可體驗桑迪亞山脈、聖菲國家森林、岩畫國家古蹟、卡爾斯巴德洞穴和白沙國家公園,還有很多機會遠足、騎自行車和攀岩活動。

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School information


Founded in 1896, Menaul School is an International Independent School located in the Southwestern United States. The school has a unique International Boarding Program with students from all over the world. Menaul School has a rigorous college preparatory curriculum. We offer an ESL program, dual credit and independent study classes. Our classes are small and personalised.

Application process

complete an online application followed by Skype interview to assess student’s English level and/or TOELF or IELTS scores

English as second language

We do offer ESL classes


We have boarding facilities for boys and for girls. 


We are a College preparatory school with an interdisciplinary curriculum that also includes a variety of electives. We follow the STEM program, IPad program and we are strong in the Arts (including music curriculum)


We offer coaching and training in Football, Basketball, Track and Field, Cross country, volleyball, and soccer for boys and girls. Students have many opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and organisations. Clubs change from year to year, depending on student interest. Students may develop new clubs with the support of an advisor. Examples of different clubs are Robotics, Fencing, Politics, Service to the community etc. We also have a Student Council to represent the students to the administration and to plan fun social activities for students. They also plan movie nights, game nights, dances, pep rallies, and various outings. Serving in Student Council gives students an opportunity to learn organisational and leadership skills and to work with students from other grades.

Student support

We have a 24-hour counsellor support for all students, and Dorm parents, who are readily accessible to students, as are other members of the Residential Life Staff, including the Residential Life Coordinator. Dorm Parents play an integral role in Menaul’s boarding students’ lives. They supervise students’ academic progress, ensure that they focus on their studies, and help them to obtain any needed extra help. Also, Dorm Parents lead off-campus activities on weekends and serve as adult mentors – offering a listening ear to students when they need to talk or be counselled on personal matters.

Features of the local area

New Mexico is located in the Southwestern of United States and is the fifth-largest state in the country. The state is popular for having all four seasons and sunshine an average 310 days out of the year. New Mexico has more than 5,000 valleys and 4,800 lakes. The mountain Sandia Peak elevation is 10,678 feet (3,255 m) above the sea level.

Science and technology are the two greatest fields in Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories is the country’s largest national lab; also Los Alamos Lab, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, and Technology Ventures Corporation are examples of Albuquerque’s great tech industries.Along with the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico Tech is a nationally recognised university in Socorro that focuses on science and engineering research. There is always an abundance of fun and exciting opportunities for students to experience on the weekends. Whether it’s a shopping excursion to Talin Market World Food Fare or a trip to some of New Mexico’s finest Art’s and Craft’s Festivals, there is always something to do. For those who love the outdoors, the residence life program offers many unique experiences associated with New Mexico. Students will experience the Sandia Mountains, Santa Fe National Forest, Petroglyph National Monuments, Carlsbad Caverns, and White Sands National Park, and there are plenty of opportunities for hiking, biking, and rock climbing.


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878