
2010 12 28 日新聞稿

Signed Dual degree program agreement- HTMi, Switzerland & National Taipei University.

!!! 瑞士飯店管理大學 (HTMi) 與國立台北大學簽約雙聯學士學位

  瑞士飯店管理大學(Hotel and Tourism Management Institute Switzerland 與國立台北大學簽訂雙聯學位計畫,國立台北大學同學將能在4 年內同時獲得3 個學位,歡迎有興趣同學踴躍參加。

  The dual degree program between National Taipei University and Hotel and Tourism Management Institute Switzerland can gain three degrees in four years for the students of NTPU. 


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

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