HTMi 瑞士飯店管理大學是 EDUQUA – 瑞士政府官方教育品質認證大學



近期,瑞士政府認可的 EDUQUA 教育品質認證機構,按照瑞士政府的要求,對瑞士各學校進行評估和認證。對於教育水準達到瑞士政府要求的學校,授予認可證書。我們非常高興的在這裏公佈: HTMi 教育水準達到要求,並得到瑞士 EDUQUA 機構頒發的教育品質認可證書。

如需要,我們可為您提供 HTMi Eduqua 認證德文版和英文版認證證書副本。

News Released on April.2007

HTMi Gains Swiss Quality Standard EDUQUA Accreditation

In recent time the Swiss Government has been asking its recognised accreditation agency EDUQUA to inspect and accredit schools in Switzerland . Only the schools which meet the strict education quality standards are awarded the certification and accreditation. We are very pleased to announce that HTMi has reached these standards and now has Swiss EDUQUA accreditation and Certification. A copy of the certificates in English and in German are available upon request.

資料來源: (學校官網Enews)

