HTMi 管理團隊包括學生榮獲 2010年6月南非主辦世界盃足球賽擔任管理職務

恭 喜! HTMi學生管理團隊獲 選2010年6月 南非主辦世界盃足球賽

榮獲擔任休閒娛樂餐 Event & Hospitality Management管理職務,南非總統President Jacob Zuma

感謝HTMi師生協助FIFA World Cup在2010年 南非舉辦世足賽娛樂管理活動。

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HTMi管理團隊包括學生榮獲 2010年6月南非主辦世界盃足球賽擔任管理職務. HTMi管理團隊於5月4日接受南非駐瑞士大使親自邀請及接受午餐招待. 是唯一瑞士飯店管理大學擔任此重大任務及殊榮. 可見 HTMi管理團隊專業程度,備受國際肯定.2010年5月4日,星期二,國際世界盃足球賽主席布拉特先生和南非駐瑞士大使喬治‧喬納森先生(同時也是駐列支敦士登大使及駐梵蒂岡大使)在位於瑞士蘇黎世國際足聯總部的世界足聯大廈邀請了HTMi管理團隊的成員及其在2010世界盃期間被選派到南非工作的學生們共進午宴。
同樣出席午宴的還有所有瑞士世界盃志願者,韓國駐瑞士大使,日本駐瑞士大使,墨西哥駐瑞士大使,象牙海岸駐瑞士大使,加納駐瑞士大使, 喀麥隆駐瑞士大使及阿爾及利亞駐瑞士大使。他們為所有來賓都準備了典型的蘇黎世風格的午餐,隨後,布拉特先生,國際足聯小組裡負責國際足聯事務及世界盃事務的成員們發表了演講並與來賓們合影留念。所有來賓還在國際足聯總部大樓內進行了參觀,其中包括被國際足聯主席用來會見高官的私人會所,國際足聯執行委員會商討世界足聯世界盃各項事宜的國際足聯會議室。參觀結束後,來賓們一天的活動便到此為止。


HTMi Delegation at FIFA Head Quarters in Zurich
Mr. Sepp Blatter, President of FIFA and His Excellency George Johannes, South African Ambassador to Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the Vatican invited members of the HTMi Management Team and those students selected to work in South Africa during the World Cup 2010 to a luncheon on Tuesday, 4th May 2010 at FIFA House, the worldwide headquarters of FIFA in Zurich Switzerland. The luncheon was also attended by all Swiss volunteers working at the World Cup as well as the Ambassadors of Korea, Japan, Mexico, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon and Algeria based in Switzerland. All guests were treated to a typical Zurich style lunch, followed by a presentation and photo session with Mr. Sepp Blatter and members of the FIFA team on FIFA and the World Cup. To end the day all guests were given a tour of the FIFA headquarters building including the private lounge used by the FIFA President to meet dignitaries and the FIFA conference room where the FIFA Executive Committee meets to oversee the plan in all aspects of the FIFA world cup.

The Centre for Events Management Training and The Centre for Career Management at HTMi is sending a group of award winning students to work in the hospitality operations supporting the FIFA World Cup.

Ian Larmour, Director HTMi, May 2010
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