【號外】2012 台灣學生在 HTMi 完成 PGD 後,被2間知名國際飯店聘任在客務中心工作

好消息! 台灣學生在HTMi完成PGD後, 在HTMi擔任MIT經理培訓, 現在被2間知名國際飯店Savoy Baur en Ville Hotel in Zürich餐飲管理部門及The Grand Hyatt Dubai Hotel任職客務中心主任工作.
-Career Centre News – Placements for Manager in Training Students.
就業中心新聞 – 經理培訓課程

HTMi飯店管理大學所提供的服務中,包含了學生的禮儀的培養、專業態度及領導技巧的訓導。每學期很多學生積極報名參加我們的經理培訓課程,並獲得飯店管理大學所頒發的證書。HTMi學生正面的專業態度及行爲舉止讓大多數到校參訪的雇者留下良好的評價,兩位從MIT經理培訓課程畢業後成功被錄取的學生為凱麗安小姐(Ms. Karian 如圖)及周迪諾先生(Mr. Dino Chou如圖)。

One of the many services provided by the HTMi Hotel School Career Centre is to help develop students grooming, professional behavior, and leadership skills. Each semester some students successfully apply to and are selected to join our Manager in Training program and receive a Diploma in Training for Trainers in Hotel Management. Many employers that visit HTMi comment on the very positive professional attitude and behavior of HTMi students and they also highly praise the HTMi Hotel School MIT program. Two recent Career Centre successes in placing students from the MIT program are :

林. 凱麗安小姐即將於Zürich 著名的Savoy Baur en Ville飯店工作。此飯店成立於1838年,自今仍舊受大衆愛戴,並以其兩家卓越的餐廳,優良的服務及傳統文化為名。凱麗安小姐將會在餐飲管理部門幫客人處理餐廳的事務及餐宴的事務。

Ms Karian ( pictured) will be starting to work for the renowned Savoy Baur en Ville Hotel in Zürich.
Opened in 1838 it is still one of the first locations in Zurich, loved by the guests for its two outstanding restaurants, excellent service and tradition. Karian will be working in the F&B department taking care of guest service in the restaurants as well as in banqueting. (http://www.savoy-baurenville.ch/)

周. 迪諾先生即將於7月在杜拜Hyatt集團的Grand Hyatt任職客務中心主任。杜拜的Grand Hyatt飯店擁坐於37畝的絢麗花園中,並提供了674間豪華套房,且有多間餐廳可選擇,亦有完善設備的會議廳。迪諾先生將會負責接待日益趨增的華裔客人。
Mr. Dino Chou ( Pictured) will be joining the Hyatt family in July working as a Guest Relations Officer at the Grand Hyatt Dubai. The Grand Hyatt Dubai Hotel Towers placed within 37 acres of beautiful gardens offers 674 luxury rooms and suites as well as numerous F&B outlets and state of the art conference facilities. Dino will be especially taking care of the increasing number of Chinese guests of the hotel.

HTMi – Wishes these and the many other students placed by the career centre all the best for their future careers and is proud to send two further excellent HTMi- ambassadors into the international hospitality industry.

Yours sincerely
Claudia Berghold
HTMi Career Centre Manager

