《瑞士》恭喜HTMi校友 Sara Toth

恭喜 Sara Toth
恭喜 Sara Toth – 文憑課程2014年春季

HTMi 祝賀 Sara Toth ,她職業生涯的成就和進展。

Sara 已經開始為F&B在Wellnesshotel Rischli Soerenberg 見習,完成她的文憑課程後,Sara

成為 倫敦-Dukes Hotel 的 F&B實習生。

現在,Sara 即將在著名的麗思卡爾頓酒店大開曼群島開始她新的實習作為F&B實習生旅程。

我們預祝 Sara 有個很棒及成功的實習!


Sara Toth

Congratulations to Sara Toth
Congratulations to Sara Toth – Diploma Course Spring 2014

HTMi would like to say congratulations to Sara for her achievements and progression in her career. Sarah has started as an F&B Trainee in Wellnesshotel Rischli Soerenberg, and after completion of her diploma course, Sara was accepted as an F&B trainee at Dukes Hotel in London.

Now Sara is about to start her new internship as an F&B trainee at the famous Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman Islands.

We wish Sara a great and successful internship!

Good luck!
