本校瓦岱勒國際飯店管理大學(VATEL)獲在亞洲與英語國家知名的領導媒體 亞洲通信(Asian correspondant )報導介紹,請點選下列連結獲取詳細內容!
Dear parteners,
As you know Vatel Switzerland is now proudly represented on Asiancorrespondant.com, one of the leaders in blogging and information diffusing in Asia and English speaking countries.
瓦岱勒法國波爾多校區(VATEL BORDEAUX)將於 2014年起提供酒類管理碩士課程(MBA in International Wine & Spirits Business Management)!
VATEL代表 Ms. Ki-Jung Hyun 女士 將於 2013-10-31 於本代表處舉辦留學說明會!
Google 地圖在 2011 年時推出了「室內地圖」(indoor map)的功能,主要針對城市中的車站、博物館、購物中心等大型地標,拍攝室內環景可以幫助使用者導覽和熟悉室內景觀與方位。現在瓦岱勒國際飯店管理大學-瑞士校區也加入這個計劃囉!現在使用者可以透過 Google Map 的室內地圖功能(無論是手機、平板或是桌電!)都可以一覽無遺哦!
Dear Vatel Switzerland friends,
Vatel Switzerland has made it and is one of the two first hotel schools in Switzerland to
allow its cyber guests to visit the campus from anywhere in the world thanks to our brand
new Virtual Campus Tour on Google maps !
Google Inside View allows you to visit the school and our premises at any time, just like
Google Street View that is widely known everywhere today.
Thanks to this technology, Vatel Switzerland gives you the opportunity to discover its
building, classrooms and surroundings before coming to see it for yourself.
Come and visit us and simply type “Vatel Business School Martigny” in Google !
2013 .7.24 新聞稿
2013-2014 國際學生比率, 歐州學生比率高超過 51%
Student origins
51 % Western Europe
21% Asia & Pacific (18% Asia + 3% Australia, Pacific)
19% Switzerland
2% North America (USA, Canada)
2% Central and South America
5% Middle East and Africa
Top countries of residence
1. France
2. Switzerland
3. China
4. Romania
5. Vietnam
6. Italy
7. United Kingdom
8. South American countries
9. Rest of the world
Selection and admission facts – intakes 2013
Applicants 245
Candidates invited to Selection Day 86%
Candidates accepted into both Bachelor and Master intakes / rate 136 / 55.2%
Candidates enrolled / rate 106 / 77%
Background of students on campus
Nationalities 45
European passport holders 70%
International students (non Swiss) 81%
Average age of students – Bachelor programme 20.9
Average age of students – Master programme 25.6
Female / male ratio 57% / 43%
French section / English section 46% / 54%
Students who master 2 languages 25%
Students who master 3 or more languages (up to 5) 75%
Professional background
No experience 20%
From 1 to 6 months of work experience 65%
More than 6 months of work experience 8%
Facts and figures about our school
Maximum number of students enrolled (all programmes) 400
Maximum number of students on campus (all programmes) 200
Maximum number of students accepted / year 110
Ratio faculty / students 7.9
Total number of staff 67