About Vatel Group關於瓦岱勒


Vatel was founded in 1981 because of one reality: the hospitality industry was thriving, with deep changes and brand globalization was at its very beginnings, as was an overturn in the way hotels would be managed and the jobs that would be required to do this.


The first Vatel School thus opened in Paris with a unique and fundamental educational method: having theoretical courses followed by a professional experience using what had been learned in class. To achieve this, each Vatel School had an application restaurant and/or hotel right on the Campus where students could check their knowledge through professional application of it with real customers.


Thus, for 35 years now, new Vatel Schools with their own hotels and restaurants, true facilities enabling students to test their operational and managerial skills throughout the entire academic year, have been opening their doors all over the world.




  • Vatel Schools train department managers (Bachelor’s degree) and senior executives (Master’s degree) in the international hospitality sector;
  • Vatel restaurants and brasseries promote French gastronomy in the Americas, in Asia, in Africa and in Europe;
  • Vatel Hotels and Spas, all with a four-star rating, host vacationers and businessmen alike, constantly promoting the French art of hospitality.

Last but not least, the Group has just created two new concept:

  • 瓦岱勒國際飯店管理學校以國際飯店業人才培育規格培訓部門經理(學士學位),及高級管理人員(碩士學位)。
  • 瓦岱勒餐廳和小酒館將法國美食推廣全球,其足跡遍及美洲,亞洲,非洲及歐洲。
  • 瓦岱勒飯店和SPA中心,所有皆為四星級以上,獲得各界肯定。滿足每位顧客不同需求,不管是單純度假者或是商務人士,都給予我們極高的評價。
  • 瓦岱勒美食精品店,提供種類齊全的各式甜味、鹹味產品。
  • 瓦岱勒咖啡廳,提供各式新鮮美味的簡餐,讓消費者能有多種選擇。


Vatel now has 31 Schools, 7,000 students and 29,000 alumni who are a living proof of the sucess of its teaching concept and make up the 1st Worldwide Business School Group in Hospitality and Tourism Management.
