2021 QS Ranking 飯店管理與休閒類 SEG 旗下: SHMS/HIM/CRCS/CAAS 全球排名都在Top 10以內

2021 QS Ranking 飯店管理與休閒類 SEG 旗下: SHMS/HIM/CRCS/CAAS 全球排名都在Top 10以內

在3月3日(星期三)發布的最新QS世界大學排名中,瑞士SEG飯店管理大學集團 Swiss Education Group旗下的學校在飯店管理和休閒管理類別排名均排名前10名。這種表現不僅反映了學校提供的學術課程的卓越品質,而且還反映了與頂級雇主和合作夥伴之間的國際聲譽。

SHMS 瑞士酒店管理大學 Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS) 在全球排名中排名Top 4,使該校連續第5年被評為全球飯店和休閒管理前十大機構之一。我們所有其他學校,瑞士蒙特勒飯店管理大學 Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM)(第6名),瑞士凱撒里茲大學 Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland(第7名),瑞士廚藝學院 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS)(第8名)以及與SHMS合併的IHTTI 瑞士飯店管理及設計大學International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute(IHTTI),均進入了前10名。



瑞士SEG飯店管理大學集團 CEO執行長 Yong Shen

瑞士廚藝學院 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS)是唯一獲得世界排名認可的廚藝學院,這充分證明了其世界一流的水準和瑞士廚藝教學方法。學校非常重視在學生中培養實踐和商業技能,確保了全面發展的畢業生,他們可以成為出色的廚師和料理企業家。


「我們看到瑞士蒙特勒飯店管理大學 Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM)、瑞士凱撒里茲大學 Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland (CRCS)、瑞士廚藝學院 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS)和IHTTI 瑞士飯店管理及設計大學International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute(IHTTI)今年都在提高地位,這是基於學者和雇主的高度重視:高品質教育的證明,而且還有強勁的畢業後就業成果。」

QS發言人傑克·莫蘭(Jack Moran)

今年的排名證明了瑞士的頂級飯店管理課程正在為其學生提供真正的世界一流的教育。在今年的主題排名中,瑞士擁有30個機構的220個排名課程,是世界上排名第16名的國家。就前100名課程而言,基於27個機構的121個課程,瑞士是全球高等教育排名Top 10的國家。


Swiss Education Group schools dominate top 10 hospitality institutions worldwide in QS University Rankings 2021

In the latest QS World University Rankings, published on Wednesday, 3 March, Swiss Education Group schools dominate 5 of the top 10 positions in the Hospitality and Leisure Management category. This performance not only reflects the excellent quality of the academic programs offered at the schools, but also the international reputation held with top employers and partners.

Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS) secured the 4th spot in the global ranking, making it the fifth year in a row that the school has been ranked one of the top 10 institutions in the world for Hospitality and Leisure Management. An impressive headway into the top 10 was made by all of our other schools, Hotel Institute Montreux (6th), César Ritz Colleges Switzerland (7th), Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (8th), and the newly-merged with SHMS, IHTTI School of Hotel Management (10th).

This outstanding performance reflects the high-level professionalism of our faculty and staff, and quality of the education programs at each school. Over the years, our schools have developed strong academic and industry partnerships, delivering highly relevant curricula, supporting student employability and career development, and building a global alumni network.

“We are extremely proud of the achievements of our schools and grateful for the support from our academic and industry partners worldwide. As the largest private hospitality, business, and culinary educator in Switzerland, we continue with our unwavering commitment to providing world-class education and transforming lives.”

Yong Shen, Chief Executive Officer of Swiss Education Group

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland is the only culinary institute recognized in the world rankings – a true testament to its world-class standards and Swiss approach to teaching culinary arts. With a strong focus on building both practical and business skills in its students, the school ensures well-rounded graduates who can become great chefs and foodpreneurs.

The QS World University Rankings are designed to provide independent quality assurance to the millions of students, parents, academics, and policymakers who seek to ensure that their educational, career, and strategic choices are data-driven.

“We see Hotel Institute Montreux, César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland, and IHTTI School of Hotel Management all improve their position this year, based on strong regard among both academics and employers alike: testament to both a high quality of educational provision, but also strong post-graduation employment outcomes.”

Jack Moran, QS Spokesperson.

This year’s rankings attest to the fact that Switzerland’s top hospitality programs are providing a truly world-class education to their students. With 220 ranked programs from 30 institutions in this year’s subject rankings, Switzerland is the 16th-most-represented country in the world. In terms of top-100 programs, Switzerland is the 10th-strongest global higher education nation based on 121 programs across 27 institutions.

Find out more about this year’s rankings here.

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

留學瑞士學生請注意: 瑞士聯邦政府解除禁令,因為傳染人數有降低許多,而且有充足疫苗












Dear Students,

Following the Federal authorities’ announcement on Wednesday, 17 February 2021, please note the important information below.

As infection rates continue to decrease and vaccination programs begin across Switzerland, a gradual loosening of restrictions will begin as of Monday 1 March 2021, including the reopening of:

Shops, museums, libraries, ice rinks, tennis courts, football pitches, zoos, botanical gardens, and amusement parks

Private outdoor events with up to 15 people are permitted, while indoor events are allowed for up to 5 people

Restaurants/Bars and clubs remain closed

Rules concerning mask-wearing and social distancing remain unchanged, with all the latest information available here.




Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

SEG瑞士飯店管理教育集團針對 COVID-19安全衛生政策

SEG瑞士飯店管理教育集團針對 COVID-19安全衛生政策



根據瑞士政府的建議,已採取以下預防措施來減低Covid-19可能對我們造成的風險。 我們的學生、教職員工和訪客的健康與安全仍然是我們的首要優先。


  • 到達機場或學校時,將對學生進行體溫檢查,並迎接資訊服務台提供口罩、健康和安全準則以及緊急聯絡資訊。


  • 為了安全起見,並為了降低整個社會的風險,在學期的前10天內,所有公共場所的全體員工、學生和訪客都必須戴口罩


  • 每位學生、教職員工和訪客必須填寫「健康調查表」後,才能進入我們的校園。
  • 有出現流感、發燒(38°C以上)、呼吸困難和/或呼吸系統不適症狀的人嚴禁進入校園。


  • 對所有員工、學生和訪客進行每日體溫檢查。通常會在校園接待區進行檢查並提供口罩。


  • 在整個學期中,每個班級都分配到指定的教室。
  • 教室分配最佳化,以確保最大程度地分散每個教室中的學生並減少學生在課堂之間的流動。


  • 安排班級時刻表使餐廳出入用餐人數穩定並使餐廳空間最佳化。


  • 任何需要醫療幫助的學生都可以進行優先醫療預約–請聯絡前台或住宿管理團隊。


  • 任何表現出類似流感症狀的教職員工或學生都必須進行自我隔離10天。
  • 擔心自己可能有流感症狀的學生應電洽學生輔導員,如果沒有聯繫上,請聯絡24小時7天全天候提供服務的常駐經理。


  • 所有學校參訪均由Victor和Ronan集中批准。


  • 我們盡量減少大型公眾聚會和不必要的社交活動。除正常上課和用餐外,所有其他活動均受到嚴格監控。


  • 所有校園和所有行政辦公室的所有人都能輕易取得手部消毒液和口罩
  • 在所有公共區域都會進行額外的清潔,尤其是集中在可能有很多人觸摸同一物品的區域,例如門把手,工作站等。
  • 在入學週末期間會為所有學生舉行COVID-19資訊和指示說明會
  • 現場有學生輔導員,可提供醫療資源和建議
  • 24小時7天全天候訪問常駐經理

Best regards, 



To SEG Community:

We are very excited to welcome students back to campus from July.
In line with Swiss government advice, the below precautionary measures have been put in place to mitigate Covid-19 risks to our schools.  The health and safety of our students, staff and visitors remain our top priority.

Welcome Information

  • On arrival at either the airport or at school, students will have a temperature check and will be provided with welcome information, a face mask, health and safety guidelines and contact information in case of emergency.

Face Masks

  • In the interest of safety, and to lower the risk for the entire community, face masks mustbe worn by all staff, students and visitors in public areas, during the first 10 days of term.

Health questionnaire

  • Every student, staff and visitor must fill out a “health questionnaire” before entering our campus premises.
  • No one is allowed on campus who shows symptoms of flu, fever (38°C+), breathing difficulties and/or respiratory problems.

Daily Temperature Checks 

  • Daily Temperature checks are carried outon all staff, students and visitors. Checks are normally carried out at the campus reception area, after which, a face mask will be provided.

Classroom Management 

  • Each class group is allocated to a designated classroomthroughout the term. 
  • Classroom allocation is optimised to ensure a maximum dispersion of students in every classroom and minimize movement of students between classes.

Restaurant Management

  • Class group timetables are arranged to have a steady flow of students for meals and to optimise restaurant space

Medical support 

  • Priority medical appointmentsare available for any student who require medical assistance – please contact Front Desk or Residential Management Team.

Self Quarantine

  • Any staff or student displaying flu like symptoms will be required to self-quarantine for 10 days.
  • Students who are worried that they may have flu like symptoms should phone the student counsellorand if not available, a Resident Manager who is available 24/7.

Visitor policies

  • All school visits are approved centrally by Victor and Ronan. 

Public Gatherings

  • We have minimimized large public gatheringsand unnecessary social activities. Anything other than normal classes & meals is strictly monitored.

General Safety Guidelines

  • Hand sanitizers and face masksare available to everyone on all campuses and in all administrative offices
  • Additional cleaningis taking place in all public areas, particularly focussing on areas where numerous people may be touching the same item, i.e. door handles, work stations, etc. 
  • COVID19 Information & presentationtakes place for all students during induction weekend 
  • A Student Counsellor is on site and available for medical support & advice
  • Access to Resident Managers is available 24/7

We encourage everyone to maintain social distancing and where not possible, a mask should be worn. This is an exceptional time and the above measures will clearly cause some inconvenience and we ask for your understanding and support in safeguarding the interests of the entire community.
Best regards, 


Chief Executive Officer 
Swiss Education Group

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

瑞士教育專家 林肯企管將於6月10日舉辦瑞士飯店管理教育講座

瑞士教育專家 林肯企管將於6月10日舉辦瑞士飯店管理教育講座

2017/05/25 | 金融理財 | 程鏡明

林肯代理瑞士最大飯店管理教育集團SEG,將於6月10日舉辦(周六)SEG 旗下5所飯店管理學校聯合講座。

Ads by AdAsia


世界第一位宮廷式豪華飯店創辦者也是瑞士人Mr ” Cesar Ritz (1850-1918)凱撒里茲先生”完美飯店管理精神,他創辦王宮式酒店至今一直昂立世界各地,被譽為”The King of Hoteliers”飯店管理之父。

瑞士製造「Swiss Made」品牌行銷全球幾乎成為「品質保證標章」。成立於1994年的林肯企管顧問公司,專業經營深耕瑞士教育,在國內外及瑞士教育產業界享有最高知名度,林肯總經理郭育伶及執行長石英雀兩人更以自身長期留學歐洲並在瑞士飯店管理及廚藝學院作進修,多年來關心學生,專業熱誠經營績效卓越,為台灣最具規模且已成為「瑞士高品質教育領導品牌公司」,在業界樹立最優良最高聲譽。

SEG集團執行長Mr. Florent Rondez表示,SEG瑞士飯店管理教育集團,是全球飯店管理綜合教育實力第一,瑞士最大的飯店管理教育集團。SEG旗下有五大知名飯店管理大學及包括一所頂尖廚藝學院,提供學士及碩士學位教育。課程內容包括:飯店管理、旅遊觀光管理、會展管理、奢侈品管理、人力資源、金融管理、市場營銷、飯店設計、歐式廚藝及巧克力及西點甜點及烘培等專業方向。

SEG與全球超過120個國際飯店集團、航空公司、奢侈品牌達成人才合作計劃,每年3月及10月為學生舉辦兩次瑞士最大型的國際人才招聘會IRF- International Recruitment Fair,為學生提供全球就業機會,SEG每年畢業生的國際就業率均接近100%,同時也是全球就業第一的飯店管理教育集團。SEG每年畢業生的國際就業率最高。


瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學CESAR RITZ COLLEGES SWITZERLAND ,(專業於飯店管理、觀光管理、工商管理)






提供3年瑞士飯店管理及觀光雙學士學位(瑞士+美國2張學位及雙主修),與美國Top Ranking華盛頓州立大學(WSU)在瑞士分校共同辦學。及一年半國際瑞士飯店管理及觀光旅遊碩士雙學位,與英國國立德比大學 (University of Derby)為英國餐旅、專案管理及觀光管理系排行榜為前10大知名大學。

SEG瑞士教育集團近期榮幸邀請榮獲大英帝國勳章的瑞士籍主廚Anton Mosimann與SEG教育集團親善大使世界知名網球明星Stanislas Wawrinka 在布夫雷校區舉辦盛大的活動。宣布與授頒大英帝國勳章的世界知名瑞士廚師Chef Anton Mosimann 建立Mosimann Collection廚藝博物館獨家合作關係的簽字儀式。作為此次合作的瑞士廚藝學院 (CAA)布夫雷校區在2016年六月完工一棟3層樓的全新校舍。Chef Anton的客人包括皇室成員、政治家、國家元首和眾多的人物。他曾領導服務五位英國首相,從柴契爾夫人到卡梅倫,以及四代英國皇室的烹飪團隊。

詳細5所飯店管理大學聯合講座資訊,請洽瑞士SEG教育集團授權台灣代表處-林肯企管顧問有限公司,TEL:(02)2781-8878   LINE :2781-8878,網址:www.swiss.tw01

  • 圖說:林肯執行長石英雀(左起)、SEG集團執行長Florent Rondez、林肯總經理郭育伶,共同推薦瑞士飯店管理教育。圖/業者提


資料來源: 工商時報 網站 2017.05.26




瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學  布夫雷及盧森校區
Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland – Le Bouveret and Lucerne

瑞士廚藝學院 布夫雷及盧森校區
Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland – Le Bouveret and Lucerne

Hotel Institute Montreux – Montreux


2017年5月30 (二)& 31日 (三)
2017年7月18 (二)& 19日 (三)
2017年8月15 (二)& 16日 (三)

參訪行程 包括:

Tour our campus 參訪學校及設備
Learn about our study programmes 了解我們的課程
Meet our students, school management & faculty 安排與我們學生及老師及行政管理見面

費用: 參訪學校行程期間內的交通費及食宿免費 ( 不含瑞士來回機票及旅遊明安療險)



28 5school_forweb-1024x201






2017年7月18 (二)& 19日 (三)

2017年8月15 (二)& 16日 (三)


瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學  布夫雷及盧森校區

Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland – Le Bouveret and Lucerne

瑞士廚藝學院 布夫雷及盧森校區

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland – Le Bouveret and Lucerne


Hotel Institute Montreux – Montreux


參訪行程 包括:

Tour our campus 參訪學校及設備

Learn about our study programmes 了解我們的課程

Meet our students, school management & faculty 安排與我們學生及老師及行政管理見面



主辦單位: 林肯企管顧問公司

瑞士SEG教育集團 授權台灣招生代表

《瑞士》瑞士盧森Lucerne 被Condé Nast Traveler票選為歐洲排名第2最受歡迎喜愛的城市

轉載自Condé Nast Traveler


This year, Condé Nast Traveler readers voted Lucerne (a.k.a. Luzern to the mostly German-speaking locals), Switzerland their second-favorite city in Europe, just behind perennial love Florence, in the annual Readers Choice Awards. But what is it about this Swiss lakeside town just a 45-minute train ride from Zurich that wins so many hearts? Credit the mix of great food, easygoing locals, and stunning countryside that brings visitors back year after year. (And the cheese. Don’t forget the cheese.)



轉載自Cesar Ritz Colleges News

Competing against other Le Méridien Master Baristas, Son Nguyen became the first Master Barista in Thailand to bring home the top prize.


Le Méridien Hotels & Resorts brought together its Master Baristas from Paris and New Delhi, to Barcelona and Bangok to stimulate a passion for Le Méridien’s coffee culture in a competition held at illy’s headquarters in Trieste, Italy. The participants spent two days exchanging global trends in coffee and training to learn the latest innovative recipes. The final challenge had each finalist serving 3 types of coffee – 2 espressos, 2 cappuccinos and 2 freestyle espresso-based beverages inspired by the location the Master Barista was travelling from – all in 15 minutes.

The challenge was judged by illy’s coffee experts and Le Méridien’s Global Latte Artist Esther Maasdam and Global Master Barista, Franz Zauner. Son’s invented signature coffee called “Tom Kha Coffee” was inspired by Thailand’s famous cuisines.


“Inspiration for Tom Kha Coffee came from a very simple thought: Lemongrass is such a common and versatile ingredient in Thai cuisine so I tried infusing coffee with lemongrass and it worked. From there I started adding more elements, to make the drink more complex and distinctively Thai. The unique thing about this drink is the addition of Thai Naam Pla Waan (sweet fish sauce). I know it sounds crazy – fish sauce in coffee? But the homemade Naam Pla Wan that I used completes the drink. It adds sweetness, savouriness and gives it a little spicy kick that you feel in the back of your mouth after you drink it. It’s a coffee drink in which you can taste Thailand.”




總公司:台北市106大安區忠孝東路四段148號3F-2 (禮仁通商大樓,仁座。捷運忠孝敦化站5號出口) 


FAX:02- 2781-8829

《瑞士》2016年慶祝瑞士國慶日及校友會及CRCS Education forum & Career Forum 凱撒里茲 & 國際人資論壇

2016年7月30日在台北艾麗飯店舉辦慶祝瑞士國慶日及校友會 及CRCS Education forum凱撒里茲論壇,並邀請瑞士商務辦事處副處長親臨開幕,也特別邀請重量級飯店業代表及學界代表參加, 會場聚集全部是市場焦點的VIP guests。

當然還有許多位敬重的傑出瑞士凱撒里茲校友,包括台南晶英飯店總經理 Rebecca Lee致詞中分享他的精采奮鬥史,從高師大畢業到雲林當老師,放棄當時最優渥的老師薪水遠到瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學就讀, 完成瑞士學業, 在45位菁英競爭台北君悅飯店工作, Rebecca突出唯一被錄取,從基層做起, 3年後升職中階幹部,回高雄協助漢來籌備開飯店工作,之後任職人資主管。
幾年後又被挖角幫台中金典飯店籌備新飯店,Rebecca在飯店業累積珍貴經驗及能量之後,又被台北晶華集團挖角從事飯店重造及上市及管理全球晶華飯店集團人資及籌備台南晶英飯店, 目前擔任總經理。


Rebecca也提到,他出國時台灣只有幾所飯店及學校,現在有100所學校, 但是她鼓勵學生還是要到瑞士學習飯店管理,可以增加國際視野介由學校多元環境及同學來自不同國家及文化學習作一位”國際人” 投資餐旅飯店行業及教育是全球趨勢。也是最多就業機會。

我們非常感謝Rebecca 學姊的出席及精彩演講,大家受益良多。

我們也特別要感謝寒舍集團人資主管及提供如此豪華的宴會廳,服務也非常好效率高及W Hotel Taipei人資主管及, 國泰商旅人資主管也是校友及師大孫教授,文化觀光系主任及屏科大賴教授, 銘傳大學Tammy 教授也是我們敬重的校友、僑光大學呂講師也是我們尊敬的校友,謝謝你們的speech。

也謝謝瑞士凱撒里茲校友遠從中國, 台南, 台中特地來參加聚會. It great event to bring us together

2016 07 30 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店大學校友會暨亞太教育論壇

2016 07 30 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學講座