SEG瑞士飯店管理大學敎育集團 台灣辦事處 授權書
SEG瑞士飯店管理大學敎育集團 台灣辦事處
Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd
瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學的廚藝學院(Culinary Art Academy, CAA)於2012年1月正式合併瑞士DCT廚藝學院成為瑞士最大及權威的CAA瑞士廚藝學院。上課地點在瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 César Ritz Colleges的盧森校區及布夫雷校區。
林肯是瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學以及瑞士廚藝學院(CAA)授權台灣官方代表,我本人 Michelle Shih 及 Jennifer Kuo 也是在2011年4月在 César Ritz Colleges Switzerland 的CAA就讀瑞士廚藝證書課程畢業,也可以提供許多在學校心得想享。
- 課程諮詢及協助新生申請學校及學生簽證
- 協助訂機位及接機安排
- 在臺灣新生訓練
- 推薦畢業校友台灣5星級飯店工作
- 協助家長聯絡學校
Dear Students and Parents
Many thanks for visiting Culinary Institute Switzerland (CAA) Taiwan-Chinese website.
Lincoln Management Consultants Co, Taiwan is authorized official Representative of César Ritz Colleges Switzerland and Culinary Institute Switzerland in Taiwan. Myself and Jennifer Kuo had successful completed Certificate program in Culinary Art and European Service at Culinary Art Academy of César Ritz Colleges at Le Bouveret, Switzerland for Certificate program in April 2011. You are welcome to visit us for Culinary Art program inquiring, and we are happy to assist you needs.
Our office provide free service to assist
Our students as following:
- Assistant programs consulting, preparing application forms, students visa.
- Assistant group flight arrangement.
- New students pre departure orientation in Taiwan
- Recommending Internship or alumni working at 5 stars Hotels in Taiwan.
- Assist parents communication with school.
Best Regards,
Michelle Shih, BA.,MBA, MA., Dip.M(CIM),FCIM, Chartered Marketer(UK)
Taiwan Representative
▲林肯主管與SEG教育集團執行長MrFlorent Rondez合影